Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024

GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS FORBIDS WHITES FROM RACE MIXING Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024

All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him.

All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White people for the sacred task of purifying the world, perfecting themselves, evolving ever higher along a strictly White line to be better to serve Him and carry out His plan.

1. The Teacher said: Whites have many mutations as we have diverged further and further away from earlier forms of humans who are still in existence. These mutations can be lost if we mate with non-Whites. This will produce non-White children using our White sperm and White eggs and this is evil and a sin and God-As-Truly-Is (aka the Creator or the First Cause) hates those Whites who do this. He will punish you in some way, when He wants to do so. Count on it.

2. The Teacher said: "There is a great deception fogging the minds of our people. It is rooted in the evil and false belief that all humans are the same and that all human groups are the same as other human groups. And, too many Whites are brainwashed and put various ideologies first and foremost instead of genes. This is wrong think.

3. The Teacher said: Any religion that denies true science is false and is not from the Creator no matter how He is conceived. Such false religions are inventions of men, for the benefit of men. They are wrong and they are evil because they lead Whites astray from the righteous pure White path.

4. The Teacher said: Nature doesn't give any organism the right to exist. It simply gives them a chance to exist and to adapt and evolve to continue to exist and it gives them a chance to dominate whatever niche they inhabit, but these chances are given to all. One must struggle and compete for existence and the struggle and competition are never ending.

Whites are being tested with many temptations to disobey God-As-He-Truly-Is and mix and mate with non-Whites. The great evil is using all means to encourage Whites to do the evil race mixing and blend ourselves away into a non-White mass. All around us we see subtle and not so subtle brainwashing via advertising and movies that shows happy, healthy mixed race couples. Don't be tricked. These ads are evil in the eyes of God-As-He-Truly-Is. You are being tested. Is your will strong? Is your belief strong? Are you strong enough to resist evil race mixing? God-As-He-Truly-Is is on our side, but we must pass the tests. We are being tested much more than other kinds in all ways because we are much more than other kinds. We are the newest type of human on Earth. We are the few. We need time to have our new White genes become more solid so they are immune to being eradicated by non-White genes and we need a genetic jump by getting a few more mutations that will make it impossible for us to mate with any non-Whites and produce viable offspring. Then, we shall be truly safe and then we shall expand our White numbers like never before. Then, we shall evolve even faster than we are now doing, which is already faster than any non-Whites. Saint Hitler and his National Socialists were on this path, but the great evil won that battle called WW2. But it was just a battle in the Eternal Gene Wars. And, God-As-He-Truly-Is is on our side for the long run. We just need to believe and do our part and not be tricked into mixing or mating with any non-Whites and doing all we can to separate from all non-Whites and even from their shed DNA.

5. The Teacher said: I have heard many false ideas that harm our people and one of these false ideas that is often repeated by those who are not awakened is that there are nice people who are not our people and there are mean people who are our people and that we should accept the nice people who are not our people and reject the mean people who are our people. This is a major error in thinking and it starts with the false ideas of the nature of man.

It is not the individual human being as we know ourselves in our everyday lives who is important to our evolution; it is the Sacred White DNA Code that Whites carry that is important. A mean person of our White people has our White Code and this is why we accept that person. A nice person of another people lacks our White Code, and that's why we reject that person. Nice and mean, pretty and ugly, smart and dumb, and all the other positives and negatives are meaningless in the long view of history and in nature. What must survive is our Sacred White Code. That is what is most important. Those who think otherwise are often stupid and self-indulgent, and this false thinking of nice and mean, or however such is expressed and in whatever words, is just one of the false and evil thoughts that they have. You see, they are focused on their own level of existence and their own comfort and feelings. Such people are easily led astray and deceived by evildoers who want to exterminate our people.

6. The Teacher said live your life without hate, envy or greed. No matter what you do, try to make more like yourself. And as a White you can only make more like yourself by mating only with your fellow Whites. There is no other way.

7. The Teacher said the whole purpose of White male and White females in our species is for the production of White children in our image and the whole purpose of reproduction is to expand the Sacred White Genetic Code so that it can compete and struggle to be the best and in being the best to fill all of existence with itself. This is as God-As-He-Really-Is commands us.

8. The Teacher said that we cannot control others, but we can control ourselves and we as individuals must decide to do the right things even if no others do the right things. As believers we, each of us alone, must follow the Teachings and not deviate from them. This is our choice. This is our faith. If we are completely alone and no others follow the Teachings, this should not bother us. We are individuals and it is up to us as individuals to do the right thing. We can stand with others when this is possible and desirable, but we must always be prepared to stand completely on our own and to do what is best for the particular version of our Sacred White Code that we received in the shuffle that came down to us from our parents. We compete not only with those who are not of our kind, but also with those of our kind, but the competition with those outside and those inside is different, for the one with those outside is with no compromise and is a fight to win at all costs. The one within our own kind is more gentle and is not to in any way harm others of our kind; because we all carry the same basic White code that has made us a distinct type of human. We are more than a race, we are a separate species.

9. The Teacher said that the greatest sin is to do anything that harms the Sacred White Code we carry or which keeps it from multiplying and expanding to the maximum degree possible. This means that miscegenation, birth control, abortion, homosexuality, celibacy, family planning, holding off on child producing far beyond when nature's clock says it is time, suicide, risking one's life in wars for any cause except to further the White Code and anything else that in any way pollutes, corrupts, poisons or destroys our Sacred White Code or limits its expansion are all the greatest evil that we can do and these are things that the First Cause condemns. Each believer is responsible for his or her Code and must see that it multiplies and expands and is kept pure. This can't be left to others. We are each responsible for ourselves with no exceptions. Do not seek the approval of others for your beliefs and our practices and our faith. These are from the First Cause and no human can change them or cause us to not believe. Those who try are evil and they must not be tolerated.

10. The Teacher said that we seek to evolve our kind to be a higher kind. The higher kind is to be born of us and is to be us but with improvements. The ideal we seek is to have a strong mind in a strong body. We seek to be the best competitors in all things of mind and body and our competition is with other kinds of humans for they are the greatest threat to us even if they do not consciously mean us any harm. The reason is that of all organisms only other humans can mate with us and destroy our recessive White genes. They can love us to death, by mating with us. God-As-He-Truly-Is forbids us from mating with any but our White kind.

A problem we have is that nature is a frugal engineer and has to work within certain parameters in what it designs. Generally, if it gifts an organism with the best possible muscles or reflexes, it has to short that organism on other things, perhaps things of the mind, and if it gifts an organism with a superb mind, then it has to short that organism out in other areas, perhaps in the muscles and reflexes. In other words, organisms are not generally designed to be able to do everything well. It's an engineering in flesh problem. We seek to get around that limitation. We seek general rather than specific adaptations, but we seek to have these general adaptations be the best among all humans. Will we reach such a goal? Time will tell. But, for the present we will live consciously to try to become more. God-As-He-Truly-Is willing we will succeed. We know that God-As-He-Truly-Is wants us to succeed, but He wants us to do so with as little help from Him as possible. He created us through evolution and gave us free will and set us free to engage in the Eternal Gene Wars and try to win. But, He did not give us a free ride and does not want us to be as tiny babies totally reliant on a parent. We are past that stage. We must do what we must do, but God-As-He-Truly-Is has given us His instructions to follow. It is up to us to follow them. And, if we do, we shall succeed.

# # #


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Just click on the "http://www..." links after each book.
They're also available at quality brick and mortar stores or can be ordered by them for you.

The lefties at the OC WEEKLY said Millard is one of OC's most frightening people.

"Millard is an important writer" New Nation News

"Millard is an original. His books aren't like your typical fiction.
If you don't know where to put his books, try the same shelf with Kerouac,
Kafka, Sartre and Nietzsche" - a reader.

"I consider H. Millard one of the most brilliant writers and analysts
in the European American civil rights movement.
" - David Duke

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack's Religion  

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack's Religion
messages of ennui and meaning in post-american america by H. Millard

In Ourselves Alone and Homeless Jack's Religion, H. Millard, the hard to pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category bending commentaries on post-American America. The commentaries deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics in Millard's edgy style and lead up to Homeless Jack's Religion, in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. Browse Before You Buy ISBN: 0-595-32646-3

Roaming the Wastelands  

- (ISBN: 0-595-22811-9)
H. Millard's latest sacred cow toppling book, is now
available at Amazon.com by clicking on this link

or by calling 1-877-823-9235.

"A fun-and sobering-thing to read" - Alamance Independent

The Outsider  

THE OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9)
H. Millard's underground classic story of alienation is
available at Amazon.com by clicking on the this link
 or by calling 1-877-823-9235:

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